Extreme floods experienced at home may bring about damages on personal belongings or even problems related to health. This is because the water flooding may contain different bacteria and organisms that may bring about health issues like vomiting, nausea and even infections. It is known for waterborne diseases to be fatal. Hence after a flood you may need to do some cleaning and even further, check on the steps that will help you in preventing growth of things like mold. If you decide to do it alone, ensure you put on protective and the right garments for the task.
Why this is dangerous
Any flooded water has a high chance of creating a breeding place for mosquitoes and also a hiding place for infectious organisms. Aside from incurring professional flood damage recovery costs, flooded water can harbor more than a hundred kinds of disease causing bacteria and parasites. Besides it may be composed of petroleum products, pesticides and even sewage that if ingested may cause stomach disorders like gastrointestinal and stomach cramps.
Buildings likely to be affected by floods are the most dangerous places for individuals. The water may have soaked the foundation causing it to fall down or even mold growth that may bring about health issues. So when you would like to do it alone or even get a skilled personnel to come do it, it is important that you be keen enough and need to put on clothes that are designed for that work to avoid coming into direct contact with the contaminated fluids and moreover keep off children from the flooded houses.
How not to get sick after flooding
Once your mind is set to do the work alone, ensure you put on protective rubber gloves, especially the ones that can withstand chemical reactions, a respirator that can cover both the mouth and the nose. This will filter both dust and molds and protect you from airborne contamination. All in all before you get into the house ensure that the water level has dropped low enough to allow you walk with ease and avoid any accident. You may also need brooms, buckets, brushes, trash bags, cleaning products and disinfectants. Ensure you wash your hands thoroughly with soap after handling contaminated water.
Any food, drink, medicines, rugs, cosmetics, household chemicals, toys and beddings that may have come into contact with the flood water should be thrown away immediately you come across them, to avoid further damages like the children taking them or even playing with them.
Handle one room at a time using the most powerful commercial products. Avoid mixing ammonia or any other household cleaning products with bleaching agents for it may bring about dangerous reactions. Ventilate the affected room properly to avoid or even prevent mold growth. After which, using clean, hot and soapy water with a detergent remove your clothes then wash them thoroughly. Using a hanging line or a hose put them outside to dry in a direct sunlight for further disinfection with the ultraviolet rays. Dispose of the used gloves adequately.
More at: http://restoringwaterdamage.com